The Dunn Show

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Right Now September 15, 2008

Filed under: Cassidy,Pictures,The God Delusion — familydunn @ 3:34 pm

Right now our house is 63 degrees.  That’s cold, folks!  It’s even colder if you’re only 6 months old.  Right now Cass is in her crib sleeping away the day in a onsie, a hoodie, pantyhose, socks, and legwarmers.  It’s a very colorful array of clothing, but if you just look at the hoodie she’s quite gangsta.  Robbers, muggers, thieves of all sorts and thugs alike will benefit from the addition of a pasi.  That’ll strike the fear of God in you!


Hey!  Speaking of the fear of God…for years I’ve had this simple thought that maybe, just maybe, we are making a mistake when we say that “taking the Lord’s name in vain” is using his name as an word to show excitement or disbelief or a vast amount of emotions really.  Using the Lord’s name in vain makes me to think it means just that: using it in vain.  Example.  If I were to have an agenda (maybe it would be political) and I were to say that God wants me to (and therefore you) to do something (even though the Bible doesn’t clearly say such a thing, but I really want it to be this way) then I am taking the Lord’s name in vain.  Using God for my own vanity.  Simple, isn’t it? 

So why do we do it? 

By the way, I love you guys.


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